
Groninger Mustard 235g

Handmade with pride and passion by our Groningen mustard masters. The Groningen mustard is the most famous variant of Marne and has been in our range for over 129 years. Naturally, the recipe has been further developed over the years to what is now in the jar. Delicious on bread, in a salad, with fish and meat.

The special thing about this real Groningen mustard type is that the mustard seeds are only coarsely ground. This ensures that the mustard looks delicious and is also invitingly full of flavor. Tasting? Marne Groninger Mustard is very tasty with red meat, fish and cheese.

Daily Dietary Guidelines

In the table below you will find the rounded amount of nutritional value per 10 grams of product.

EnergyFatSatur. FatKoolh.SugarsProteinSalt
14 Kcal 0,8g 0,1g 0,2g 0,2g 0,7g 0,45g
<1% 1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 7%

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