Ordered before students

Marne for all the mustard facts!

If you want to give your speech about Mustard, we have already collected the information for you. The text and images come from the book: Mustard by the writer André Delcart.

Some information about mustard:

Mustard is made from mustard seeds, vinegar, salt and spices. The sharpness of the mustard comes from the mustard seeds. There are different types of mustard seeds. The most commonly used are yellow mustard seed, brown mustard seed and oriental mustard seed. Our mustard contains a combination of all these 3 types.

The vinegar makes the mustard taste a bit sour. By using different types of vinegar you get a slightly different taste. Think of apple cider vinegar, wine vinegar, herbal vinegar. There are of course many more types.

Nowadays mustard is a seasoning and is widely used in cooking. In addition, we also eat it on snacks, such as cheese, croquettes, bitterballen, meatballs, etc. By using mustard with the fatty “bite” the food is better digested, this is because mustard seeds contain essential oils. (So ​​it is no coincidence that you always get a little mustard with your croquette at the snack bar).

Mustard used to be a medicine. Mustard is now also widely prescribed by naturopaths. Mustard seeds can lower blood pressure.

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Once the mustard is made in our factory, it is packed in various jars, tubes and buckets, but also in tanks of 1000 kg or even in tank trucks of 25.000 kg. The jars, tubes and buckets go to various distribution centers of purchasing companies and from there they go to the stores. The mustard in large packaging (tanks and tankers) is often further processed into sauces, such as mayonnaise.

You can also make mustard yourself by mixing different ingredients. You must first soak the mustard seeds in vinegar and water and then grind them.

The tastiest recipes are made with mustard