
French mustard squeeze bottle 225g

The trusted Marne French Mustard is also available in a handy squeeze bottle. Easy to put on the table, handy for outside at the BBQ. The special design makes it easy to dose the right amount.

Our mild French mustard tastes excellent with snacks and with red and white meat. Take a look at our site: we have collected several tasty recipes for you that use this mustard.

Daily Dietary Guidelines

In the table below you will find the rounded amount of nutritional value per 10 grams of product.

EnergyFatSatur. FatKoolh.SugarsProteinSalt
11 Kcal 0,6g <0,1g 0,2g 0,2g 0,6g 0,33g
<1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 1% 5%

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Wondering what you can make with mustard?

Discover the tastiest recipes that can be made with mustard!

The tastiest recipes are made with mustard